
Something Lovely: Valentines Competition.

In celebration of love & all things beautiful...
For all of our lovely fans who don't already have us on facebook - just go to our main webpage & click on the facebook link to be able to enter this competition: 

Want to win our sexy 'Pearl Cluster' earrings (RRP $30.00) for yourself or your beautiful girlfriend? All you have to do is post a personalized status update including a link to our Lylah page.

Don't know how to tag? Tag Lylah in the post by putting an '@' symbol before Lylah. (It should be highlighted in blue)Facebook doesn't post the status on our wall, so make sure you write us a msg here so we know that you have done it
The lucky winner will be announced on Valentine's Day! 14.02.11 at 12:00pm EST.
Just remember, the most creative status wins!

Good Luck  ladies & gentlemen! xox

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